The Falcated Duck or (Anas falcata) is a Gadwall-sized dabbling duck.
The Falcated Duck breeds from southern Siberia to northeast China, Korea, and northern Japan, wintering to southern Japan, east and south China, and Vietnam. It is a rare vagrant to the Aleutian Islands and rarer still along the Pacific Coast of North America. [1]
Conservation Status
The Falcated Duck is currently in a state of “near threatened” on the IUCN’s Red List. [2]
What makes this one fun to photograph?
- The difficulty in obtaining the right exposure.
Just like a bride and groom can be difficult to expose, so too can the Falcated Duck. A bride wears a white gown and we want to expose to keep detail in the whites without sacrificing the details in the darks of the grooms tux. The same works in reverse. We don’t want to lighten up the darks of a grooms tux too much and blow out all the details in the whites of the bride’s gown. Now, look at the dark greens, browns and blacks in the Falcated Ducks’ head compared to the bright whites on either side of the ring on its’ neck.
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Quick Tip!
To be a good bird photographer you also need to be a good bird watcher. Bird watchers know about bird biology, bird behavior, their habitats and the ethics behind approaching them in the wild. Spend some time watching, observing and understanding birds while you’re taking photos and when you’re not.
Learn some behaviors of the different species and you’ll notice there are many activities birds perform during their daily routine.
By being more familiar with birds and their behaviors, you’ll learn the visual cues each bird gives before performing specific actions, like flying, preening, diving, etc. Learn to “anticipate” their next move and you’ll be more apt to catch those magic moments.
Did you know that most birds “lighten the load” just before take-off? See something come out the back-end and that’s almost always a sure sign they are about to take flight. Be ready with a higher Shutter Speed and catch the bird as they take flight.
Fun Facts:
- A group of ducks has many collective nouns, including a “brace”, “flush”, “paddling”, “raft”, and “team” of ducks.
- The Falcated Duck was once known as the Falcated Teal.
[1] Wikipedia. Falcated Duck
[2] BirdLife International (2012)